
Thoughts... Conversations..

Believe what you want but no one starts at the top. Well, maybe I can't say no one but not often does anyone start out on top. Someone at some point decided to invest in you. To believe in you. Someone decided to help you along the road to success. I'm a firm believer in being independent and self-fuccient but unless you're looking for anything less than greatness, you're going to need some help at some point.

The reason I bring this up is because I was having a conversation about being in a relationship with a guy who acts like he has a problem helping you finacially. Like how, as a woman, do you deal with that? I personally feel like when you're in a relationship with a person this is a person you ultimately chose to invest in rather it be time or money. Perhaps both. I understand the concept of having your own but call me traditional for saying I don't think a grown man should ever have a problem providing for his woman. What is that to complain about? Especially a woman that never bothers you for anything and never has to be told to do what is needed when it comes to the 100% she provides. 

Why is it so easy for these boys to invest in their image and reputation but so hard to invest in what will matter when all the lights dim? Is it a society issue? I feel like we've been warped into believing that any man that takes care of a woman is tricking off and any woman who feels she deserves to be spoiled is a gold digger.  So how do we find a medium? 

Do I believe, as a woman, you can successfully run a household on your own? Yes. I also believe that it's much easier to run that household as a team. When you're in a relationship you're suppose to give 100% of yourself to that other person. If you're not willing to do that or you question how much of yourself you're willing to give then why are you even around?